Atomy Plugin Settings
Here's how to properly configure the Atomy plugins.Below you will find the configurations and explanations of some plugins, those not mentioned do not need particular cunfigurations.
TI Wishlist
General Settings
Create a page with the Wishlist title (you ...
Atomy Franchi shortcode plugin
Inside the Atomy zip file you will find the "Extra" folder -> "Plugins" folder, here you will find the plugin.Go to your site's Dashboard and install this plugin, just activate it and you can take advantage of all the shortcode to insert the sections ...
Personalizzazione Atomy
Hi, and welcome to the Atomy User Guide.
Theme CustomizeWith Atomy you have the possibility to customize your site, let's see how to do it step by step.The customizations are found in the customize of the ...
Guida rapida personalizzazione Avik Free
Hi,in this guide I will explain how to customize Avik in a few simple steps.Let's begin!
Customization with import of the Demo
As soon as you have installed and activated Avik, you will notice a Notification advising you to install 3 ...
500 errore del server durante l’importazione di contenuto Avik
So you wanted to import the theme demo data, but after about 30 seconds you get the 500 (internal server) error?
What to do now?
First check, if anything at all was imported. Click through the Post, ...
Sezione portfolio
The section Portfolio in addition to the various customizations of the page, has the ability to create a dedicated page.To create it you have to proceed in this way:
Go to the DashboardAdd new pageAdd titleSelect Portfolio Standard templatePublic
Go to ...
Sezione Servizi
The section Services in addition to the various customizations of the page, has the ability to create a dedicated page.To create it you have to proceed in this way:
Go to the DashboardAdd new pageWrite what you wantSet ...
Sezione Chi Siamo
The section Who we are in addition to the various customizations of the page, has the ability to create a dedicated page.To create it you have to proceed in this way:
Go to the DashboardAdd new pageWrite what ...
Installazione Avik Pro
Hi, and welcome to the Avik User Guide.
Through Dashboard
Unzip the Avik-Pro file to your desktopOpen Folder Avik-Pro
Open Folder Theme Files
Log in to the WordPress DashboardGo to Appearance -> ThemesClick on Add New ThemeClick on Upload Theme buttonClick on Choose File button and ...
Installazione Atomy Pro
Hi, and welcome to the Atomy User Guide.
Theme Installation
unzip the downloaded zip fileinside you can find ( Files)open Theme Filesinside you find (
WordPress upload
Login to your WordPress admin panelNavigate to Appearance > Themes > Add New ...
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