Installazione Atomy Pro
Hi, and welcome to the Atomy User Guide.
Theme Installation
- unzip the downloaded zip file
- inside you can find ( Files)
- open Theme Files
- inside you find (
- use
WordPress upload
- Login to your WordPress admin panel
- Navigate to Appearance > Themes > Add New > Upload Theme
- Click on Choose File and select
- Click on Install Now
FTP upload
- Extract the file you previously located.
- Using an FTP client, login to the server where your WordPress website is hosted
- Using an FTP client, navigate to the /wp-content/themes/ directory under your WordPress website’s root directory
- Using an FTP client, upload the previously extracted Atomy folder to the themes directory on your remote server
Once the installation is complete, your Atomy theme will be ready for use. Now all you need to do is navigate to Appearance > Themes and activate the Atomy theme. After you have done this, you should see ATOMY appear in the left navigation bar of your WordPress admin panel, under the heading Appearance.
In this menu you will find 4 sections:
Welcome, Help, Options and Changelog.
in the Options section the possibility to enable and disable Customize customizations, to reduce loading time
When you first install the theme you’ll see a popup on your dashboard from the theme asking you to install a number of plugins.
Importing Demo
To install the demos correctly you need to install the recommended plugins!
Except for the language plugins: Polylang and Hyyan WooCommerce Polylang Integration which can be installed only if you want to create a multilingual Ecommerce!After installing the “One Click Demo Import” plugin, go to Appearance -> ATOMY Import Demo.
now you can choose the demo you prefer!
Below are the instructions for the various demos to import.
Atomy Baby
To install this demo you must choose it in the import, then proceed as follows:
1 Go to -> WooCommerce -> Settings -> Product -> Shop page and select the Store page, save changes
2 Go to -> WooCommerce -> Settings -> Advanced, in Cart page select the Cart page, in Checkout page select the Checkout page, in My account page select the My Account page, save changes
3 Now you should have the complete demo, you just have to customize it with your content!
Below you will find all the steps to easily customize all the sections and plugins.
Important: Read carefully the Ti Wishlist plugin configuration, to have a correct product configuration.
Atomy Makeup
To install this demo you must choose it in the import, then proceed as follows:
1 Go to -> WooCommerce -> Settings -> Product -> Shop page and select the Store page, save changes
2 Go to -> WooCommerce -> Settings -> Advanced, in Cart page select the Cart page, in Checkout page select the Checkout page, in My account page select the My Account page, save changes
3 Now you should have the complete demo, you just have to customize it with your content!
Below you will find all the steps to easily customize all the sections and plugins.
Important: Read carefully the Ti Wishlist plugin configuration, to have a correct product configuration.
- You will notice that the second article of the Header cards to have it will be enough to modify that article!
- In the Card With Sidebar section, the News section is missing, go to Customize -> Section -> Card With Sidebar -> News Section -> Select a category for the News Slider (Select News).In Select a Category for the News Small Cards (Select Style)
Atomy Food
To install this demo you must choose it in the import, then proceed as follows:
1 Go to -> WooCommerce -> Settings -> Product -> Shop page and select the Store page, save changes
2 Go to -> WooCommerce -> Settings -> Advanced, in Cart page select the Cart page, in Checkout page select the Checkout page, in My account page select the My Account page, save changes
3 Now you should have the complete demo, you just have to customize it with your content!
Below you will find all the steps to easily customize all the sections and plugins.
Important: Read carefully the Ti Wishlist plugin configuration, to have a correct product configuration.
- In the Card With Sidebar section, the News section is missing, go to Customize -> Section -> Card With Sidebar -> News Section -> Select a category for the News Slider (Select Kitchen).In Select a Category for the News Small Cards (Select Kitchen)
Atomy Game
To install this demo you must choose it in the import, then proceed as follows:
1 Go to -> WooCommerce -> Settings -> Product -> Shop page and select the Home page, save changes
2 Go to -> WooCommerce -> Settings -> Advanced, in Cart page select the Cart page, in Checkout page select the Checkout page, in My account page select the My Account page, save changes
3 Now you should have the complete demo, you just have to customize it with your content!
Below you will find all the steps to easily customize all the sections and plugins.
Important: Read carefully the Ti Wishlist plugin configuration, to have a correct product configuration.
- You will notice that in the home you will have the latest articles, go to Customize -> Homepage Settings -> Homepage select Home
- In the Slider section, the section is missing, go to Customize -> Section -> Slider -> Category Post and select Slider
- In the Card With Sidebar section, the News section is missing, go to Customize -> Section -> Card With Sidebar -> News Section -> Select a category for the News Slider (News).In Select a Category for the News Small Cards (News small)
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