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by Franchi Web Design
Ferrara – Italy
P.IVA 01757400385

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Guida rapida per personalizzare Willer Free

in this guide I will explain how to customize Willer in a few simple steps.
Let’s begin! 

Customization with import of the Demo
As soon as you have installed and activated Willer, you will notice a Notification advising you to install 1 Plugin.
So the first thing you need to do is to install and activate the Plugin.

Now in the Dashboard in the “Appearance” Menu you have seen an entry “WILLER Import Demo”.
Enter this menu.
Visit the “WillerStarter Demos” demo page, choose the demos you prefer and download it for free.
Now unzip the zip file you just downloaded onto your desktop.
Inside you will find 3 files.
From the “WILLER Import Demo” menu select these 3 files respecting the extensions (.xml,. Wie,. Dat) and press the “Import Demo Data” button.
Wait about 5 minutes (It also depends on the speed of your connection) and you will already have your site equal to the demo you have chosen.

Now you can change the content as you see fit, and customize it as you wish.

Common problems:
in some cases the Homepage is not selected during the import. Then you can still notice the latest posts on your Homepage. To solve go in Customizer -> Homepage Settings -> Select -> Your homepage displays-> A static page and select “Home”!

Customization without Demo
As soon as you have activated Willer on your Homepage you will have the latest articles published.
To set up a Homepage with the various sections you must proceed in this way.

1 Create a new page with only the title for example “Home” and Attribute Page Template “Home Willer”.
2 Go to Customizer -> Homepage Settings -> Select -> Your homepage displays-> A static page and select “Home”.

Now you will have the sections on the home page and you can customize them as you wish.

In order in the Customizer
Other Settings
Preloader: enable or disable
Back To Top: enable or disable
Breadcrumbs: enable or disable
Nav Menu: color and size
Menu Right: page to appare and enable or disable Social Media
Excerpt length
Font Family:
 titles and subtitles
 enable or disable meta info and effect title
Scroll Effect Images: enable or disable

Slider: category post, height, margin and color
Services: page, category post, width Images and margin
Gallery: category post and margin
Testimonials: page and margin
About Me: page, color and margin
Portfolio: page, color and margin
Team: page, category post and margin
Blog: category post, title, enable or disable meta info, color and margin
Parallax: page, position button, height image and margin

Home Willer: order sections in sectors, font size title and color title

Site Identity
Title and tagline, enable or disable rotation logo, fonti size logo, title and subtitle, site icon

Header Media
Select Video or image, category post, enable or disable text in header, button play video, font size title and subtitle, color text

Background Image
Possibility to insert an image and position

Add menu

Add Widget ( 4 for Footer and 1 for Blog)

Homepage Settings
Your homepage displays ,your latest posts or a static page

Additional CSS
Here you can enter a custom style via css

Height Footer, number column for widget area, enable or disable logo and social and copyright, size logo and color

Theme Style
Here you can choose between 3 different colored skins and change the background color of the site

Mobile Devices
Enable or disable back to top, sidebar, object fit image and icon scroll widget area