Installazione Pepe
This guide will allow you to install Pepe correctly.
First unzip the downloaded file "" on your desktopInside you will find 3 foldersOpen the "Theme Files" folder where you will find the fileNow go to the Dashboard ...
Guida rapida per personalizzare Pepe
Hi,in this guide I will explain how to customize Pepe in a few simple steps.Let's begin!
Customization with import of the DemoAs soon as you have installed and activated Willer, you will notice a Notification advising you to ...
Guida rapida per personalizzare Pepe Lite
Hi,in this guide I will explain how to customize Pepe Lite in a few simple steps.Let's begin!
Customization with import of the Demo
As soon as you have installed and activated Pepe Lite, you will notice a Notification advising ...
Pepe Impostazioni Plugins
This guide will help you to set up the recommended Plugins correctly.
Pepe recommends installing 4 Plugins
1 Contact Form 7
To have a form with a personalized style from Pepe you must proceed as follows:Dashboard/Contact/Add newEnter a title and paste ...
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